Plenary sessions of the Town Hall
- Ordinary Sessions: They are called by the Mayor. The Plenary will hold a regular meeting on the last Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m., on the first call and two days later, at the same time, on the second, the Mayor being able, either on his own initiative or at the request of the spokesmen of the political groups, For justified reason, to advance said dates and times, delay them, even in the event that the new day fixed was not included in the month corresponding to that one, and to suspend them.
- Extraordinary Sessions: They are called by the Mayor on his own initiative or at the request of at least a quarter of councilors.
- Extraordinary Urgent: They are called by the Mayor but must be ratified by the Plenary.
One week after the Plenary session, and in order that all citizens will be informed of the decisions taken, an extract of the Agreements and Resolutions approved is published on the notice board of Guardamar.